Creating Secure Passphrases and Passwords

Required Length / Criteria

Passphrases require a minium of 10 characters with a combination of at least three of the following four criteria. We recommend that all four criteria be used for additional security.

  • Upper case letter
  • Lower case letter
  • Number
  • Symbol

What to Avoid

  • Upper case as first letter of passphrase
  • Number as last character of passphrase

What to Include

  • Length
  • Complexity
  • Character substitution

For character substitution, use a combination of letters and symbols that look similar and don't forget that you can press the shift key to get something different.

Examples of character substitutions:

  • s=S=$
  • l=L=1=!
  • e=E=3=#
  • o=O=0=)

Examples of Strong Passphrases

NOTE: Please do not use these passphrases - they are only examples of how to create strong passphrases.

Bio at UCSB is great

  • gr8=B!0@uc$b
  • 12 characters
  • Includes upper and lower case, numbers and symbols

I hate passwords

  • @$%Pa$$w0rd$@$%
  • 15 characters
  • Includes upper and lower case, numbers and symbol

I love chocolate

  • i<3ch0c0L8mmm
  • 13 characters
  • Includes upper and lower case, numbers and symbols

Lost / Forgotten Passphrase

If you need your passphrase reset, all you have to do is one of the following:

  1. Submit web request.
  2. Send email to
  3. Contact the LSCG Help Desk at 805-893-2405.
  4. Stop by the LSCG Help Desk in LSB 2304.

Changing Your Passphrases

Please visit our Tutorial pages for detailed instructions on how to change your passphrases on different systems.